The Journey Home
'Come Hell or High Water"
We, the GreenHippies, are doing a different kind of documentary of the Greater Exodus Walk. It`s a reality documentary
It is very simple.
We focus on G-D and welcome the InGathering,
HE is gong to lead us
through fires and high waters..
ALL SUPERPOWERS unite as He starts The Awakening.
Scenario is WHAT IF...:
What if something happened and you had to leave, flee from earthquakes, fires, society breakdown, war... what ever the scenario, we find ourselves walking on the mountain tops heading north. We combine efforts and walk as one. No one left behind, all superpowers activate. Yes, we believe EVERYONE has a special gift, talent or personality that will fit perfect and grow in the group. The best part is that you don't need to know what it is.
This project is about HIKING and being TOGETHER in REAL LIFE
-with real ups and downs.
We take care of the Path and each other.
It`s not about WERE we walk, but HOW we walk THE PATH.
We encourage you to prepare together with us as we plan and execute as ONE.
More updates will be found on FACEBOOK/GreenHippies